What do my clients achieve?
You'll see quotes from my clients scattered around the site. Some clients are happy to tell you about their journey in more detail. To maintain confidentiality clients have asked for initials or first names only.
New career and confidence
I cannot thank Glynis enough for the coaching I received. The space she held for me (that felt like a total decadence at first!) quickly became a vital channel to allow and enable me to explore my next work steps in the context of the family picture. Glynis rebuilt lost confidence and focused my thinking, encouraging and supporting me to persist and believe in my abilities.
Soon after my coaching concluded, undeterred by the inevitable rejections, thanks to new found belief, I landed my ideal job, testament to this valuable personal investment. Mrs G S
Starting a new creative-based business as a second career
I was in the creative doldrums, wanting to do more designing and making, but lacking a purpose to do so. Glynis helped me to identify what was holding me back and suggested ways to move forward. Since then, with Glynis' support, I have a renewed enthusiasm and new goals. I am looking forward to a creative future. Mrs C A
Career and Lifestyle
I saw Glynis as part of her clarity package, and it provided exactly that. I was at a real career crossroads and struggling to make a decision on which path to choose, and felt conflicted by too many factors clouding my thought process. Our session really helped me focus on the right priorities for me, and gave me the confidence to hold some difficult conversations and put my new action plan in to place. I feel like a different person from the one that met Glynis just last week - what a difference 7 days can make! I am now looking forward to the next phase, so know I have made the right decision for me, for right now, and I am grateful for the support Glynis provided to get me to this point. N.G.
Relationship and Career, over a year
I went to see Glynis with a specific goal in mind, without an actual idea how to get there or where to start from.
From the very first session, Glynis recognised my strengths and understood where I’d need some more guidance.
I consider myself as a pretty organised, full of energy, positive person with great time keeping. I knew exactly where I wanted to go,
but I didn’t know how to get there.
Glynis discussed with me the various routes and options how to reach my final goal, gave me very good advice and encouraged me to take little steps at the time. Finally, I reached my decision to start a new life, knowing at the back of my mind that I CAN make it happen.
Today, a year later, I am divorced from a very dysfunctional marriage. I am feeling happy and no longer walk on egg shells in my
day-to-day life. It was very tough decision to make and without Glynis’ help it would have taken me at least another year to reach
my end goal.
Thanks to Glynis, I have gained an additional happy year in my lifetime. I was promoted at work and I feel happier and more content than ever before. It was hard emotional work – nothing came without effort and willingness to change and adapt, but Glynis was always there to guide and talk through my concerns. Thank you, Glynis. I am so grateful for everything that has changed in my life, and have no doubt that the new confidence in me will also help me in my future decisions for a better and more fulfilled life." Ms A L
You'll see quotes from my clients scattered around the site. Some clients are happy to tell you about their journey in more detail. To maintain confidentiality clients have asked for initials or first names only.
New career and confidence
I cannot thank Glynis enough for the coaching I received. The space she held for me (that felt like a total decadence at first!) quickly became a vital channel to allow and enable me to explore my next work steps in the context of the family picture. Glynis rebuilt lost confidence and focused my thinking, encouraging and supporting me to persist and believe in my abilities.
Soon after my coaching concluded, undeterred by the inevitable rejections, thanks to new found belief, I landed my ideal job, testament to this valuable personal investment. Mrs G S
Starting a new creative-based business as a second career
I was in the creative doldrums, wanting to do more designing and making, but lacking a purpose to do so. Glynis helped me to identify what was holding me back and suggested ways to move forward. Since then, with Glynis' support, I have a renewed enthusiasm and new goals. I am looking forward to a creative future. Mrs C A
Career and Lifestyle
I saw Glynis as part of her clarity package, and it provided exactly that. I was at a real career crossroads and struggling to make a decision on which path to choose, and felt conflicted by too many factors clouding my thought process. Our session really helped me focus on the right priorities for me, and gave me the confidence to hold some difficult conversations and put my new action plan in to place. I feel like a different person from the one that met Glynis just last week - what a difference 7 days can make! I am now looking forward to the next phase, so know I have made the right decision for me, for right now, and I am grateful for the support Glynis provided to get me to this point. N.G.
Relationship and Career, over a year
I went to see Glynis with a specific goal in mind, without an actual idea how to get there or where to start from.
From the very first session, Glynis recognised my strengths and understood where I’d need some more guidance.
I consider myself as a pretty organised, full of energy, positive person with great time keeping. I knew exactly where I wanted to go,
but I didn’t know how to get there.
Glynis discussed with me the various routes and options how to reach my final goal, gave me very good advice and encouraged me to take little steps at the time. Finally, I reached my decision to start a new life, knowing at the back of my mind that I CAN make it happen.
Today, a year later, I am divorced from a very dysfunctional marriage. I am feeling happy and no longer walk on egg shells in my
day-to-day life. It was very tough decision to make and without Glynis’ help it would have taken me at least another year to reach
my end goal.
Thanks to Glynis, I have gained an additional happy year in my lifetime. I was promoted at work and I feel happier and more content than ever before. It was hard emotional work – nothing came without effort and willingness to change and adapt, but Glynis was always there to guide and talk through my concerns. Thank you, Glynis. I am so grateful for everything that has changed in my life, and have no doubt that the new confidence in me will also help me in my future decisions for a better and more fulfilled life." Ms A L
Relationships, Career, Health
Glynis has helped me stay sane, focused, and positive, forging a new life at a time of marital separation. I’m not sure how I would have got to the other side without her.
I have always struggled with including enough exercise in my life, and together with Glynis, I have been able to set small challenges, which added together, have made big changes. Menopause years have posed both physical and emotional problems. It has been amazing to receive coaching from someone who understands these challenges. She has helped me to focus on all the positives that mid life brings with it.
She has helped me consider issues with personal relationships that had previously tripped me up. This has enabled me to break through barriers that had previously held me back. At a time of life where I was facing serious health problems, Glynis has encouraged me one step at a time to the other side, with small positive goals.
Running the same business for more than 20 years, I needed to sit back and make some difficult decisions about my next career steps. Glynis has been able to coach me through this. Mrs A.L
Glynis has helped me stay sane, focused, and positive, forging a new life at a time of marital separation. I’m not sure how I would have got to the other side without her.
I have always struggled with including enough exercise in my life, and together with Glynis, I have been able to set small challenges, which added together, have made big changes. Menopause years have posed both physical and emotional problems. It has been amazing to receive coaching from someone who understands these challenges. She has helped me to focus on all the positives that mid life brings with it.
She has helped me consider issues with personal relationships that had previously tripped me up. This has enabled me to break through barriers that had previously held me back. At a time of life where I was facing serious health problems, Glynis has encouraged me one step at a time to the other side, with small positive goals.
Running the same business for more than 20 years, I needed to sit back and make some difficult decisions about my next career steps. Glynis has been able to coach me through this. Mrs A.L
Career and Confidence
I found the sessions really useful and Glynis was very supportive throughout the whole process.
I feel it’s also given me some confidence and it was good being able to discuss my plans with someone without any judgement.
It was great that I achieved my goal of finding a new job and finally getting me out of the rut that I had become stuck in.
Many thanks Glynis. Melinda
I found the sessions really useful and Glynis was very supportive throughout the whole process.
I feel it’s also given me some confidence and it was good being able to discuss my plans with someone without any judgement.
It was great that I achieved my goal of finding a new job and finally getting me out of the rut that I had become stuck in.
Many thanks Glynis. Melinda
The coaching I received from Glynis allowed me to review my current situation, take stock and consider the options. Then, to open my eyes to a clear way forward when previously I was muddled and indecisive. Mr R B
The coaching I received from Glynis allowed me to review my current situation, take stock and consider the options. Then, to open my eyes to a clear way forward when previously I was muddled and indecisive. Mr R B
Redundancy, New Start, Career
Having reached a point where I was able to consider a life change I realised that I didn't know how to go about it. Glynis helped me develop a strategy for identifying what areas I could realistically consider. I now feel I have solid direction. Mr AS
Having reached a point where I was able to consider a life change I realised that I didn't know how to go about it. Glynis helped me develop a strategy for identifying what areas I could realistically consider. I now feel I have solid direction. Mr AS